The Washington Woodworkers Guild (WWG) is looking for guild members to volunteer in one or more of the following areas.  If you are interested in volunteering your time, enthusiasm, and a new perspective, please apply using the form on this page. 

Social Media – develops the Guild’s social media strategy, identifies new platforms or opportunities, and creates or curates content shared by the Guild through social media (currently Facebook and Instagram). Members of this committee assist in soliciting, collecting, and posting content; writing descriptions; maintaining hashtag lists; researching new platforms or apps; or as simple as providing us with photos of your amazing projects!

A/V & Technology – researches and implements audio and video technology for the Guild’s meetings and workshops and sets up our Zoom meetings. Members of this committee can help with setup, learn how to run a Zoom meeting (either online or at our physical meeting location), or offer A/V expertise on equipment or processes.

Outreach –  interfaces with the community through events and media to grow our membership and assist with special projects that highlight the benefits of our guild to others. Members of this committee work at Guild tables set up at stores and woodworking events, write or post notices to local newspapers or neighborhood forums (like Nextdoor or Patch), promote the Guild at otherlocal events or businesses (galleries, craft fairs, lumber yards, stores), or find new opportunities.

Service – works with the Outreach committee to fulfill the Guild’s community service mandate through toy drives, service events (like the Big Build, the Woodworking Shows, and other service opportunities), assisting with tool sales and workshop liquidations, and identifying and coordinating unique service projects (e.g. assisting with community building projects, offering expertise and answering woodworking questions from the community). Members of this committee can be involved in a specific project, volunteer as needed for special events, or assist in organizing events and coordinating the involvement of other members through recruitment and scheduling.

Communications – works with the Guild Board and other committees to send notices to the membership of upcoming meetings, special events, service projects, tool sales, or other notices of interest to the Guild membership, usually by email through MailChimp. Members of this committee compose and gather content for notices; help manage the mailing list (adding new members and coordinating the list with the member database), create posts in MailChimp, assist with follow-up, or pursue other methods of communication (announcements, phone calls, mailings, etc).

Programs – identify topics, and finds and recruits potential guest speakers for our monthly meetings and special classes and workshops. Members of this committee suggest topics and speakers, coordinate presentations, and contact potential presenters. This is a great opportunity to strike up conversations with woodworkers you admire.

Holiday Party – coordinates the annual Guild holiday party through identifying a location and date, arranging for tables, chairs, and other needed supplies, and purchasing food. Members of this committee assist with coordination and food purchasing.

Greeters – welcome new members and guests at monthly Guild meetings, answer questions about the Guild, help set up event spaces and put away equipment following Guild programs.

Mentors – assigned to new members as a single point of contact for questions about Guild programs, resources, and benefits, and to help and encourage new members to participate.

Subject-area Experts – members with knowledge or skill in a specific area of woodworking or those who possess a specific tool or technique, and are willing to share their knowledge. Interested members will provide their contact information and area of expertise and a list will be distributed to the membership as a resource to answer questions or get guidance or help. Identified skills or knowledge can be broad, like carving or hand tools, or a very specific skill or technique.

Show & Tell Coordinators – The Guild typically devotes three meetings per year to member Show & Tell to showcase recent work or to demonstrate a tool, shop fixture, or technique. Show & Tell coordinators solicit and compile a list of presenters, allot time based on the number of participants, and set the order of presenters based on the types of projects, or act as emcee for a show & tell meeting.

Shop Tour Coordinators – act as a point of contact for Guild members interested in sharing a tour of their shop, either virtually or in-person, with other Guild members. Coordinators will work with the Program committee to schedule tours and organize participants.

Field Trip & Workshop Coordinators – works with the Program committee on specific events or tours. This can include a single event of interest to the volunteer, or assisting in the coordination of a Master Craftsman Workshop or museum tour for instance.

Newsletter Content – assist our editor in finding, writing, or generating content for the Guild’s quarterly newsletter, The Wooden Word. This includes writing an article, researching a topic of interest, or encouraging other members to submit content.

Special Events – assist with special events like Toys for Tots, the Woodworking Shows, or the Big Build. This can involve coordinating other volunteers, staffing a booth, procuring supplies, or making items like toys. Involvement can be as broad or narrow as your interest and time allows.

WWG Officers – volunteer for a position as a Guild officer.  Available positions: President, Vice-President (training for president), Treasurer, and Secretary). 



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Volunteer Opportunities

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