Our April 16, 2024 guild meeting will feature a presentation on Restoring Furniture by the WIllow Tree Furniture Company. This meeting will be in-person and via zoom. Come to the VFW in Falls Church on Tuesday, Apr16 and meet the dynamic-duo of Willow Tree Furniture Company, Tina and JJ!
They share similar passions, one of them being Rescuing, Restoring, and Reloving vintage furniture.
Their days at the furniture shop consist of finding amazing pieces, cleaning, fixing, staining, painting, teaching, and encouraging others to do it too!
During their presentation they will discuss all their FAVORITE PRODUCTS, TIPS AND TRICKS for rescuing and reloving vintage furniture.
Paints, stains, sprayers, sanding secrets, easy furniture repairs, reveneering, their BRING BACK finish, color matching stain options, and anything else that our members want to talk about.
They provide a unique service to the community and LOVE what they do. They are looking forward to meeting us on April16th and sharing their passion and excitement with us.