Sharing information and knowledge is one of the unique features of the Guild. Our October meeting is devoted to seeing what others of us have been working on … and we want to see your work!
Notify Owen Greulich if you’d like to share what you are doing. Let him know your topic and the estimated time you think you need so we can get a sense for how many presentations we will have and apportion the time accordingly.
You can talk about what you are doing, but pictures would be helpful. To do this, just click “Share Screen” at the bottom of your screen, and pull up whatever pictures you want from your photos, or you can prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share. If you need help with how to share your screen, please log into the Zoom conference 15 minutes early on meeting night and we can help you get acquainted with this function.
Please don’t feel restricted to showing only things that you currently have in-progress. We would love to see your past projects as well! Also, if you have found a new source of material or services that would be useful to the guild, let us hear about it.