The Japanning Workshop Series is a 3-session, virtual japanning instructional series. These are recordings of video meetings where Greg Ricketts walks you through preparing the plane for japanning, mixing japanning, applying and heat curing japanning.
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The Japanning workshop sessions follow this basic outline:
Japanning Curriculum
Session 1
- Meeting logistics
- Basic ZOOM interaction controls – how to unmute, raise hand, share screen.
- Meeting dates/times, LiveStream replays
- Brief Attendee Introduction – Name, location, and hand plane you plan to restore japanning on.
- Introduction of instructor
- History of Japanning
- Japanning vs. Enamel – Why go to this trouble?
- Recommended Supplies
- Safety
- How to prepare your plane for japanning
Session 2
- Mixing japanning.
- Alternate ingredients, lamp black, resin, pigments, drier
- Filtering
- Storage
- Pre-application temperature
Session 3
- Final hand plane prep
- Japan black prep
- Application of japanning
- Controlling contaminants
- Heat curing
- Troubleshooting