Fixing Mistakes with Gary Rogowski

The Washington (DC) Woodworkers Guild presents Mastery Woodworker, author, and teacher, Gary Rogowski with his video presentation of Fixing Mistakes.

Two videos will be presented:
    Fixing Before Glue-Up
    Fixes After the Fact

These two informative videos walk you through many different ways of fixing the inevitable mistakes that occur at the bench. Take heart! Most mistakes can be quickly corrected. Learn how in this session.

This is available on demand for registered participants in the members only section of our site.


Gary Rogowski built custom made furniture for 25 years in Portland, Oregon for private clients, galleries, and public commissions. He was a Contributing Editor for Fine Woodworking Magazine for fourteen years and the author of numerous articles, videos, and two books on woodworking. He is the author of Handmade: Creative Focus in the Age of Distraction (Linden Press, 2017).

In 1991, he won the Oregon Arts Commission Fellowship in Crafts. After years of teaching at various craft schools in the U.S. and Europe, in 1997 he founded The Northwest Woodworking Studio, a School for Woodworkers now located in Lyle, WA. He now offers a an online a two year Mastery Program and a series of video based classes.

This Fall he began a new series called “Setting Up Shop”.   For more details, visit the class description on Gary’s Northwest Woodworking Studio website.