Kelly Parker will show her sketches, quarter-sized models, mockup/prototype and the finished object. She will describe her design process in detail.
“My first idea is seldom my best idea. It is merely a jumping off point and I explore that idea in variation, constantly asking ‘what if…?’ until I finally arrive at that killer idea that I want to make.”
She’ll also talk through how she problem-solved each build with the use of jigs. Jigs allow her to safely, accurately and consistently process parts. She’ll talk through elements that are common in all of her jigs as well as the logic behind each specific jig. She’ll also touch on embellishment techniques, tricks for working with parts that often times don’t have right angles (she doesn’t do square!!), complex glue-ups and bending techniques. If time allows she will do a virtual tour of her studio.
Please join us for this Zoom presentation on May 18th if you are a Guild member. If you are not, please join today!